Oh hey ...

Let's start including You in your Life

Being the Energy Audios to have more Ease with Money, Life, Living and your Body.

Is Now the Time

Of course it is ... too many times we give so much of ourselves to others and leave our own cup too close to empty.

By allowing yourself just 15mins a day for you and your Body, you can start to re-energise, revitalise, refresh and reinvigorate your Body and your Being.

By allowing yourself just 30mins a day you can start to reconnect with your Body,

increase relax, re-energise, revitalise, refresh and reinvigorate your Body and your Being.

It won't be long till you notice you have more ease with so many aspects of your Life and are willing to be and do more to Live!

Time to Top up your Cup

These days there are so many aspects of your daily life that are habitual and end up pulling you in every direction that makes you feel like there is just no time for you, let alone take any time just for you. To many, this seems like an indulgent dream.

One of the kindest, caring and most nurturing things you can do for others is to top up your own cup everyday, even just for 15mins. Find some time for you and you will have more time for everything and everyone.

I created these Being the Energy Audios that are non invasive, non medical and a simple and easy way of getting your top up of energy therapy everyday.

Keeping your Cup full

The Audios and the Topics are designed for you to maximise what little time you have to :

PULL in ENERGIES that bring more Ease with Money, Life, Living and your Body

LET GO of ENERGIES that you've picked up along the way, have been projected at you, are keeping you stuck to


Listen to one when you wake up, making breakfast, on your way to work, after dinner or just before sleeping. Better yet, listen to it many times throughout the day, have it on repeat and it even works when on mute.

It won't be long till you notice that you have more ease with daily life and the energy to be and do more. So, I invite you to a different possibility, an alternative way of being and a universe of infinite energy.

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Bowse Shop

Various Topics including Love, Body, Money

Personalised Sessions

Create your own Unique Session of Ease